After the oil sample is collected, the dissolved gas in the oil sample is removed after oscillation by the oscillator, and then the gas chromatograph is used to separate and detect each gas component, and the content of dissolved gas component in the oil is calculated.
Detector technical indicators:
Hydrogen Flame Ionization Detector (FID)
● Detection limit: Mt≤3×10-12g/s (n-cetane - isooctane solution);
● Noise: ≤5×10-14A
● Drift: ≤1×10-13A/30min
● Linear range: ≥106
Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) :
● Sensitivity: S≥3500mV•ml/mg (conventional) 5000mV•ml/mg (high sensitivity)
● Noise: ≤10μV
● Baseline drift: ≤30μV/30min
● Linear range: ≥104