

KDZD832 intelligent single battery activator
KDZD832 intelligent single battery activator

KDZD832 intelligent single battery activator


Portable products for the treatment of backward batteries in daily maintenance, it has three modes of use: battery discharge mode, battery charging mode and battery activation mode.

  • Response within
    24 hours

  • Free warranty
    12 month

  • On-line training


1, charge and discharge, activation and curve indication function: the activation meter can record the charging, discharge and activation process of the battery voltage, current change trend, and has the corresponding curve indication function, the curve can be displayed after each work is completed. The charge (discharge) curve is displayed on the right side of the screen, and the charge (discharge) or activation parameters are displayed on the left side, including voltage (current) prompt, battery internal resistance, charge (discharge) current, charge (discharge) cut-off voltage, and total execution time.
2, data viewing (playback) : in the charge (release) and activation operation, press the "back" key to make the charge (release) or activation process can be interrupted. When interrupting the work, you can choose whether to save the various data collected during the previous charging (discharging) and activation. When there is data to view, select the serial number of the existing record to get the curve that needs to be played back. Press the left and right keys to switch different serial numbers to get different playback curve waveforms.
3, data management: This function allows users to manage the measured and controlled data of the battery, including data upload and curve playback.
4. System upgrade: This function allows users to upgrade and update the software online.
5, the use of the newer online programmable CPU, users can use the microcomputer to update the instrument software, constantly improve the table.


According to the different actual conditions of backward batteries, the capacity test of backward batteries is carried out, low voltage constant current charging, or multiple cycles are set to cycle the minimum capacity of the battery for multiple charges and discharge, in order to activate the active substances that fail the battery plate to activate the battery and improve the capacity of backward batteries. At the same time, it is equipped with PC application software to upload the collected data to the computer, which is convenient for various analysis.


1, KDZD832 intelligent battery activation instrument
2, charging current: 1 ~ 100A(2V mode), 1 ~ 30A(6V, 12V mode)
3, current accuracy: 1A